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20 Things to Do Instead of Prepping for Finals

20 THINGS TO DO INSTEAD OF PREPPING FOR FINALS Trying to avoid the inevitable finals? Here's a list of the many things I've done to avoid working on projects, writing papers, and studying. 1. Paint your nails. 2. Play the piano. 3. Eat, and eat LOTS. 4. Go for a run/exercise. 5. NETFLIX MARATHON 6. Stalk someone on social media. (Wow, even the prettiest of girl looked awkward in 7th grade.) 7. Take a nap. Catch up on all the sleep you should be missing if you were studying properly. 8. Clean your room. You're going to have to pack sometime, why not make it now! 9. Read a book. No, not the one assigned for class. 10. Draw, paint, attempt something artistic. 11. Take a bubble bath. 12. Create Dubsmash videos. 13. Write a letter to a friend. 14. Spend a few hours on YouTube. 15. Delete all of those weird photos from Facebook that you never should have posted in the first place. 16. Curl or straighten your hair. 17. Have a photoshoot AND edit the photos. 18

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